To make your headshot or portrait feel easier to prepare for, here are tips to help women look and feel their best.
The top question clients ask is "what should I wear for my images" " What color backgrounds work best for my image? Here is a list of recommendations and outfit styles as a reference to help make a best decision for your wardrobe of choice.
Before you step in front of the camera, it is important have in mind the impression and impact toward your audience.
Solid Colors
Avoid waring tops with patterns, logos or docorations because they can be distracting from the main focus, which is your face and posture. The person who is researching your profile, should not be distracted due to pattern on your clothing.
Sticking with the colors black, grey or navy are timeless colors.
Long Sleeves
Long Sleeves are flattering and can be properly framed. Short sleeves shows too much skin in the frame which can be distracting from your face
Transparent Tops
Before you have your headshot taken, make sure you cannot see any undergarments through your shirt, as it can be distracting. If you decide to wear a transparent top, pair it with a blazer for layering
To make your headshot or portrait feel easier to prepare for, here are tips to help women look and feel their best.
The top question clients ask is "what should I wear for my images" " What color backgrounds work best for my image? Here is a list of recommendations and outfit styles as a reference to help make a best decision for your wardrobe of choice.
Before you step in front of the camera, it is important have in mind the impression and impact toward your audience.
Solid Colors
When choosing a shirt or jacked, solid colors work the best. Avoid waring tops with logs, patters, stripes and patterns, these designs can be distracting from your face. Wether you are wearing a polo or jacket, keep your wardrobe simple.
Well Fitted Clothing
Our bodies are always changing, but for your headshot, you want your clothing to look fitted and bloated. Its is important to your shirt and jacket fits you, especially for your neck if you decide to wear a tie.